Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Neighborhood Menagerie

Living in the country on three acres opens up a world of opportunity when it comes to having animals. I could have a herd of cows, a flock of sheep, a coop full of chickens, a tribe of goats, a string of ponies, a drift of pigs and a pack of mules.
   I don't. My Guy would be seriously unhappy with the care and feeding of all those animals.
   So, fortunately I am blessed with neighbors who do own animals. And they all love me ... the animals, I mean.
Mama Cow
Papa Cow
   When I stand at the fence and yell, "Hey Mama cow," she lumbers across the pasture as fast as her 300 pounds will go and lets me rub her forehead. She likes me so much ... and I know it's not just for the treats in my pocket!
   This same neighbor has many cows. There's always a pregnant one so we get lots of babies. There's only one Papa. Here he is looking very wet and bedraggled after our recent rain. Even with that sad-sack look on his face he's still my buddy. Even with wet treats in my pockets. There are horses, too across the way; sheep on the other side of me.
   They all see me and come running. I just have a way with animals, I guess. I'm pretty sure that's it not the treats in my pockets!?
   There's a place in my heart for all of the animals I've adopted as mine (sshh, don't tell my neighbors), but my favorites are these three alpacas I can see from my front deck. They remind me of the Beatles ... John, Paul and Ringo. Every time I see them with their silly, crazy topknot hair and their mutton chops I expect them to break into song:
Yeah, ob-la-di, ob-la-da life goes on brah

La la how the life goes on
Yeah, ob-la-di, ob-la-da life goes on brah
La la how the life goes on

And if you want some fun take ob-la-di-bla-da
   Alpacas are friendly, curious, inquisitive, sweet, calm animals that don't spit - unlike llamas. I think they come to see me at the fence because it's in their nature ... and not for the treats in my pockets ... I'm pretty sure on this one.
Piper (aka Penelope)
   The last of my animal friends I visit on my walkabouts around the farm is Penelope the Pot-bellied Pig (although my daughter and I have renamed her Piper). No matter her name, she comes a trottin' at the sound of my voice.  Here she is - waiting in piggish anticipation. I admire her honesty - she's in it for the treats!

"Whoever is kind to the creatures of God, is kind to himself." 
--Wisdom of Prophet Mohammad

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